2024/10/14-16 All Pastors Conference - Exhibitor For additional information you can visit the event page here. Exhibitor InformationOrganization Name*Organization Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Main Contact Name* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Rev.Dr.Rev. Dr.Prof.Dcs. Prefix First Last Suffix Email* Phone Number*Phone Type* Mobile Home Work Emergency Contact*This will be the contact person for all exhibitor representatives listed for your organization. First Last Emergency Contact Phone Number*Registration and Booth DetailsRegistration Fee* APC Exhibitor Registration, $300 After September 12, 2024 Add $100 Do you need electricity at your booth?*Please selectYesNoHow many tables do you need at your booth?One table is included in the registration fee.Please selectOne table (included)Two tablesThree tablesFour tablesMeals and Additional RepresentativesMain Representative Price: Main Representative Meals Monday Lunch - $40 Monday Dinner - $70 Tuesday Lunch - $40 Tuesday Dinner - $60 Additional RepresentativesNo Additional RepresentativesOne Additional RepresentativeTwo Additional RepresentativesThree Additional RepresentativesSecond RepresentativeSecond Representative Price: Second Representative Name* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Rev.Dr.Rev. Dr.Prof.Dcs. Prefix First Last Suffix Second Representative Meals Monday Lunch - $40 Monday Dinner - $70 Tuesday Lunch - $40 Tuesday Dinner - $60 Third RepresentativeThird Representative Price: Third Representative Name* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Rev.Dr.Rev. Dr.Prof.Dcs. Prefix First Last Suffix Third Representative Meals Monday Lunch - $40 Monday Dinner - $70 Tuesday Lunch - $40 Tuesday Dinner - $60 Fourth RepresentativeFourth Representative Price: Fourth Representative Name* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Rev.Dr.Rev. Dr.Prof.Dcs. Prefix First Last Suffix Fourth Representative Meals Monday Lunch - $40 Monday Dinner - $70 Tuesday Lunch - $40 Tuesday Dinner - $60 Final DetailsSpecial Dietary or Mobility Needs*Please note any dietary or mobility special needs. If none, please enter "N/A."Consent* I agree to the Exhibitor Contract found hereHave you updated your logo recently (in the last year) or are you a NEW exhibitor at our conferences?*If you aren't sure please say yes and upload a copy of your logo so that we print your logo correctly. Yes No Please Upload your Current Logo*We prefer a high-res - transparent background if possible.Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.Net Food Price Adjustment Price: $0.00 Net Booth Price Adjustment Price: $0.00 Sales Tax and PaymentsAdditional Billing E-mailAdd an e-mail address here if you would like this confirmation e-mailed to an additional e-mail address. Paying with Org FundsThe District is required to collect and remit sales tax on certain sales in Michigan (tangible personal property, prepared food, etc.) unless a valid Michigan Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption is on file at the District Office and funds are moving directly from the exempt organization (organization check or organization credit card). We are paying with an organizational check or credit card Sales Tax Information Our Certificate of Exemption is on file with the District I will upload a new Certificate of Exemption today Upload Tax Exemption Form*You may download a fillable Michigan Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption at https://www.michigan.gov/documents/taxes/3372_216612_7.pdf .Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 50 MB.Sales Tax Price: $0.00 Total $0.00 Payment Method* PayPal or Credit/Debit Card Will mail in check Please make check payable to: Michigan District, LCMS Mail to: Michigan District, LCMS c/o Registrations 3773 Geddes Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 CAPTCHA Δ