The Michigan District welcomed two pastoral candidates, five vicars, and one deaconess to its roster this week.
On Tuesday, April 26, Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. (CSL) held two separate worship services for assignment of vicarage and internships and for call placements, respectively. Vicars assigned to the Michigan District are Jonathan Dueker (Messiah, Clio), Noah Menke (Journey, Oxford), and Adam Tanney (St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth). Candidates receiving their first placement in Michigan from CSL are Thomas Gustafson (Immanuel, Grand Rapids) and Michael Stainbrook (St. Luke, Haslett).
On Tuesday, April 26 and Wednesday, April 27, two separate worship services took place at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. (CTSFW) for assignment of vicarage and internships and for call placements, respectively. Those assigned to the Michigan District from CTSFW are Vicars David Matthews (Trinity, Reese) and Zachary Staehr (Historic Trinity, Detroit) and Deaconess Michaela Dub (Ephphatha Lutheran Mission Society, Dearborn).
Please keep these students and their families in your prayers as they transition from seminary life into vicarage and full-time ministry.