Tell us about yourself—your formative years and family and how you were led into the work you do for the Kingdom.
My wife Angie and I have been married for fifteen years and we have been blessed with a wonderful Christian family. Three of our four parents are retired Lutheran elementary school teachers and my father is retired from over 37 years in the oil industry. The partnership between the church and the home was so important to our families when we were growing up and is still to this day. I was taught to work hard in all that I do and that God’s grace is sufficient. I was blessed to have a very large multi-generational family that gathered together often. I learned so much about joys and trials in family and how God walks with us every step of the way. From a very young age I heard the Lord’s call to serve in His Church in an educational way. I attended Zion Lutheran Church and School in Auburn, Mich. and I loved youth group and helping teach Sunday school when I was in high school. I also was very involved with music in school and church. It wasn’t until I was in college at Concordia Ann Arbor and learned from Dr. Ben Freudenburg about the church work vocation called Director of Family Life Ministry that I finally had a strong certainty of what direction God was calling me to, based on the interests, experience, and needs I saw in the Church at large. The following summer I was blessed to serve on the program staff at Camp Arcadia, which the Lord used to affirm my decision. Working with children, youth, and families brings me so much joy.
What are your past and current roles and ministries and what experiences have led you to this place in your life?
I have been serving as a DFLM for 15 years. Following my full-time internship at Grace Lutheran Church and School in Sandy, Utah (Salt Lake City), I was blessed to serve two years at Peace Lutheran Church in Hewitt, Texas (Waco); six years at St. John Lutheran Church, Bingen; and Wyneken Memorial Lutheran School in Decatur, Ind., and I am entering my seventh year of service at Zion, Petoskey. In Utah I learned about every aspect of ministry; in Texas I worked especially with families with young children, developing a family milestone ministry, and also did lots of pre-marital counseling and grief support group counseling. Between my Dad having a heart attack and Angie’s grandma needing end-of-life care, we were so thankful the Lord called me to serve next in Indiana. It was there that we cared for her grandma and I coordinated an association middle school and high school youth ministry. I also led St. John, Bingen through the Family Friendly Partners Network, and chaired the NE Indiana Family Life Ministry Council. The Lord then called me to serve at Zion, Petoskey where I was excited to continue in youth and family ministry but in a community closer to my family and also with a rich and vibrant music scene.
Tell us about one or two experiences in the Michigan District that have poured into your growth as a church worker.
The most impactful experiences in the Michigan District for me have been attending the two Best Practices Conferences in Frankenmuth and attending the Men’s Retreat at Camp Arcadia in the fall. These have always spiritually fed and nourished me and also have given me fresh ideas for my service to my family and to the Church.
What are some of the resources in the Michigan District that have been helpful in your life and ministry?
The greatest resource in the Michigan District for me has been Concordia University Ann Arbor. From learning and being mentored as a student, to serving as a volunteer leader and trainer for the Concordia Center for the Family, to meeting and working with all the newest groups of church workers that bring fresh energy and ideas to conferences and collaborative ministry opportunities. I’ve also been blessed to partner with current faculty and staff of CUAA to come “up north” and lead conferences, concerts, etc.
What is your greatest need as you continue to serve the Lord in your ministry?
Prayer. That the Lord would help me serve Him faithfully and joyfully. That husbands and wives, fathers and mothers would prioritize partnering with the Church to faithfully raise up the next generation of disciples. That the Holy Spirit would inspire a greater desire for our congregations to “walk together.”
What is your favorite Bible verse or story and why?
My Confirmation verse. “I AM the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
Death and darkness are all around us. Following Jesus and walking in His light drives out fear and anxiety and gives life. Life in and with Jesus is best and is more than I could ask or imagine.
What advice and/or encouragement would you give to anyone considering a calling to professional or lay church work?
There are so many ways God uses His people and there is great joy in serving Him, whether it is as a full-time church worker or as a lay leader. Be in the Word! It is how He leads and gives direction. It is also how He comforts us and drives out the voice of the devil that is trying so hard to lead you away from God’s way or say that you aren’t “good” enough.
Photo courtesy of Brian Horning. Collage photos by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS.