Introduction to IIM Ministry
The “Introduction to Intentional Interim Ministry” workshop is designed for those that are considering IIM as a part-time ministry when they retire. Attendance at an introductory workshop, commitment to this ministry, and District-sponsored continuing education are required to be recognized as a Michigan District Intentional Interim Minister.
There is a $55 fee to attend this conference, which will include 2 books and a manual. (Lodging will be covered by the district.)
When & Where
September 21, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - September 23, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
Michindoh Conference Center4545 E. Bacon Rd.
Hillsdale, MI, 49242
Rev. Dr. Robert E. Kasper
Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper presently serves as Assistant to the President/Congregation Mission and Ministry Support/Metro Zone for the Michigan District, LCMS. Prior to joining the Michigan District staff in 2012, Kasper served nearly 30 years as a parish pastor in suburban St. Louis, Mo. and Detroit, Mich. He serves as the Facilitator for Intentional Interim Ministry in the Michigan District. Kasper and his wife Debbie live in Ypsilanti, Mich. They have four grown children and seven grandchildren.
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