
What Now?4 min read

That is the question that so many have been asking since the tragic passage of Proposal 3 last November, which will now amend the Constitution of the State of Michigan in such a way as to virtually open access to all abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

We joined with many other pro-life groups in Michigan in an attempt to bring the truth out about what this very dangerous proposal would do, but alas, we could not match the money and power of those who backed this proposal, including many who are high-up in our own government structure here in Michigan.

Over 34 million dollars was raised to support the passing of this proposal; a good portion of it (24 million) came from outside of our state, mostly from New York City and Los Angeles.

Indeed, the forces of spiritual darkness came out in full force to ensure that abortion would not only continue but would be even more accessible than ever. While we still rejoice at the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, and the number of states that since have banned or vastly restricted abortions, our own State of Michigan sadly is now on the extreme end of having some of the most radical abortion policies that exist in the nation.

So, once again, we ask, “What now?”

Martin Luther King once said, “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” We are now in a time of great darkness, make no mistake about that. Things will get worse before they get better. Planned Parenthood is already planning new abortion clinics around the state. The Governor’s edict has come out saying that all departments and agencies of the state “must review aspects of reproductive rights that fall within their jurisdiction and identify and assess their operations and practices to ensure that they provide the maximum protection possible for the fundamental right to reproductive freedom enshrined in the Michigan Constitution.” (italics mine)

That is dark. That is even frightening in its implications. But only in the darkness can you see the stars.

Into the darkness of this world has entered the Epiphany Light of Jesus Christ.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.
And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3)

Jesus has come. Jesus is here, with us, in His gifts of grace. Jesus will most certainly come again.

Until then, we carry on. We remain faithful. We confess the faith, once for all delivered to the saints. We are in the world, but no longer of the world. We are baptized. We are washed. We are clean. We are forgiven. We belong to Christ.

So, as loyal soldiers, we buckle down and stand fast in the good fight of faith. And that also means standing fast in this battle for the lives of our unborn babies. At this time, we cannot undo what the passing of this Constitutional Amendment has done and will do. If there are ways in the future to address that, they will certainly be attempted. But for now, we need to proclaim the unadulterated truth that human life begins at conception, and that all human life is precious and deserves protection. Thank you to those of you who valiantly did what you could to educate and advocate against this proposal. Your work is very much appreciated! Yet now we must up the ante. We must continue to speak, write, advocate, pray, and offer better choices for those contemplating an abortion. We must support at even a higher level the frontlines of our pregnancy resource centers across the state.

We will not back down. We will not go away. We will never surrender to the darkness.

The Light of Christ has come. In Jesus, in that precious blood shed for us on the cross, we have forgiveness of sins. We have Life!

What now? With more resolve than ever, with the absolute assurance that God’s Word is true, that all human life is sacred, and that the Lord our God is with us in this fight, we will proclaim Jesus, we will proclaim life in His name. We will stand up for those who cannot defend themselves. And we will pray, “Lord, in Your mercy … hear our prayer!”

This is the time. Now is the day. Only in the darkness can you see the stars. Let that light shine forth brighter than ever—in Christ, and in His saving Word! AMEN!

Photo © Tina Vanderlaan/Lightstock

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About the Author

Rev. Paul Clark has been the pastor of St. Paul, Fowler for over 30 years. He serves as President of Lutherans for Life of Michigan, as well as the Pastoral Counselor. He serves also as the District Life Coordinator for the Michigan District – LCMS. Rev. Clark and his wife Elizabeth have three children through the blessing of adoption.

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