When things get tough, the tough get tougher.
We’ve all heard that phrase. But in many ways it is true, and it even sounds much like the Theology of the Cross. Luther often used the Latin word “tentatio,” to describe the tension, or struggle, that Christians undergo in this life because of the battle with the devil, the sinful world, and the old Adam in each of us.
On July 16, 1779, during the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Stony Point took place. Brigadier General “Mad Anthony” Wayne led a quick and daring assault on the British outpost in Stony Point, New York. Though Wayne was himself wounded in the battle, the patriots were victorious. General Wayne wrote the next morning to George Washington, saying: “Dear General: The fort and garrison … are ours. Our officers and men behaved like men who are determined to be free.”
When things get tough, the tough get tougher.
We are in such “tough” times now. We have fought so many battles for years to stand up for these little ones in the womb whose lives have been snuffed out by abortion. Those who revere and honor the gift of life as a holy gift from a Holy God, have shown—not only in words, and votes, and marches—but also by deeds of love and service. This is evidenced by countless volunteers who in various pregnancy centers throughout Michigan and the nation serve women—women who are in great need of kindness and support, in order to help them choose life for their babies.
So, we fought on, battle after battle, for years, chipping away at the infamous and malicious Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion, until this past June, when the Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision. Finally, Roe fell. And like the wicked biblical city of Babylon—great was its fall. We rejoiced, for how could we not rejoice over the dismantling of such a pernicious and immoral decision? And so we gave thanks to God.
But we knew that the next battle was already here. For as the Dobbs decision returned the issue to the states, the advocates for abortion in Michigan began their quest to not just “restore Roe,” but to go far BEYOND Roe. The result of this is now PROPOSAL 3 – which IF PASSED would invalidate all previous state laws restricting abortion, and expand access in ways never before seen. All parental consent (for abortion, as well as for sterilization and hormone therapy for minors) would be taken away. Health and safety oversight of clinics, or any requirements for an actual doctor to perform an abortion, would no longer be an absolute condition for receiving an abortion. As far as any restrictions on late-term abortions or even partial-birth abortions – these would all be gone. No longer could even a ban on tax-funded abortions necessarily be upheld.
So, yes, these are tough times. This Proposal—Proposal 3—is now on the ballot in Michigan.
For the sake of these LITTLE ONES whom Jesus loves so much, we need to VOTE NO on Proposal 3.
For the sake of THE MOTHERS AND FATHERS, who after listening to the lies and false promises of the abortion industry, may live with guilt and shame and torment over the loss of their baby—and who so need Christ’s forgiveness and love to heal them and restore them—we need to VOTE NO on Proposal 3.
For the sake of THE WORLD—a world in which our children and grandchildren inherit—we need to VOTE NO on Proposal 3.
And for the sake of THE GOSPEL—that the lives of these babies, little girls and boys, would be protected by law, that they may come into the arms of Jesus in the water of Holy Baptism, that they may have the chance to live, to grow, to discover God’s vocation for them in this world, that they may take their place with us on the journey of life—we need to VOTE NO on Proposal 3.
Please, share the TRUTH about this proposal with everyone you know. The actual wording of the ballot and the resources you can share with others are available on this website.
This is not about women’s health. This is not about choice. This is about life or death. Choose life.
Tough times require tough people. The officers and men in General Wayne’s outfit stood their ground and won the battle because they were determined to be free.
Let us determine that we will stand strong—and no matter what happens on November 8, that we will continue to stand strong, especially for the most vulnerable among us.
Let us pray: Lord God of life and redemption, hear our prayer on behalf of these Your children, and deliver our state and nation from the ever-darkening shadow of evil and death, through the Risen, Living, and Ascended King—Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Click on this link for resources on Proposition 3.
Photos © Hasan Almasi/Unsplash (battlefield) and SeventyFour/iStock (voting)
Jody Bode - November 8, 2022
Thank you Pastor Paul for your good word and encouragement to stay tough in our beliefs. Jody Bode