
Hope is Returning to Flint Thanks to Franklin Avenue Mission2 min read

Flint has seen its share of dark days, but a hope in Jesus is being built and is flourishing at Franklin Avenue Mission. Claudia Hanson is helping make that happen with all she does for the mission, especially working with the children in the Eastside neighborhood.

Franklin Avenue Mission is still caring for, feeding, and clothing those in need. The operation has grown with a bigger food panty and clothing closet. The mission still provides dinners on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And with Hanson’s help, they’ve taken Jesus to the streets: she organized an outreach this summer where crafts and Bible lessons reach the community twice a week.

In the Franklin Avenue Mission’s classroom, smiles were all over the young boys’ and girls’ faces on a Tuesday afternoon in July. Hanson shared the Gospel and lessons from Jesus. That week they were working on Bible lessons with coloring, cookies, and even play-doh. Hanson sits down and engages with one young girl, giving her one-on-one attention. And while finishing the lesson, the little girl delightfully exclaims, “Jesus love me.”

“I don’t know where we would be without her,” said Brian Baughman, the Executive Director of the Franklin Avenue Mission. “She knows how to talk to people and pretty much see what their needs are. Her love of God and love of people is evident in wherever she goes and whatever she does.”

Claudia not only engages the children, but during dinner she’s able to walk around and talk to many others. She genuinely listens and treats everyone as her best friend. She is so passionate about helping this community that she drives from St. Clair to Flint—that’s an hour and twenty minutes—to help at the mission. “Absolutely love it, I love the people,” said Hanson. “I think this is what God has called me to do.”

The lessons that Claudia is teaching are making a mark. Hanson said that after the lessons the young girl tells her parents what she learned about Jesus. When asked what she knows about Jesus, the little girl proudly states, “love.”

Photos and video by Jeff Heisner/Michigan District, LCMS

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About the Author

Jeffrey Heisner is the Communications Director for Mission Partners Platform. He, his wife Jodi, and two children reside in Westlake, Ohio.

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