
Faith and Freedom Resources

updated 8/14/2020

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has launched a new program called Church Alliance, created specifically for the religious liberty of churches. The rapidly changing culture dictates a more thorough response to prepare and protect churches across the country. God has provided an opportunity for more practical, focused support of churches than ever before. ADF is now offering a membership program that gives churches access to religious liberty experts to meet your needs across a wide spectrum. You are encouraged to learn more about their services and consider whether joining this pay-for-service opportunity is right for your congregation.

The Michigan District is now a member of the ADF Church Alliance and congregations of the Michigan District can now receive a discount by visiting here.

Church Alliance by Alliance Defending Freedom 

Alliance Defending Freedom – Impact of Supreme Court Rulings on Churches and Ministries Across America (Webinar recording) – added 8/14/20

Protecting Your Ministry – Resource


For Bulletins & Announcements

LCMS Resources

Michigan Catholic Conference Resources

Political Activities by Churches

For Small Groups & Bible Studies

  • Collision of Conscience: A Bible Study – Download PDF (Produced by The LCMS)


Many of the resources provided on this page were originally provided in 2012. Resources may be out-of-date at this time.