- Listing of Congregations that are offering worship services online (Livestream, Facebook Live, Video Recordings, and Audio Recordings)
- Worship Services for the Deaf Community – Ephphatha Lutheran Mission Society is providing services online on their website. Hope During the Coronavirus – A Message from Pastor Dunseth for the Deaf Community.
- Visual Faith Ministries – Downloadable resources such as children’s bulletins, sermon notes, and other inspirational hands-on resources.
- The Hymnal Project – Hymns, lead sheets, and recordings are available for free to enhance your devotional and worship time.
- Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources: Download Gospel Adventures, Daily Devotions, Sunday sermons, The Lutheran Hour, LHM Learn, and Virtual Booklet Library.
- Worship Anew – Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. produces a weekly, 30-minute Lutheran broadcast worship service called Worship Anew. Each service includes music, scripture readings, prayers, and a pastor delivering a message that is designed to feel one-on-one to the viewer. Each program is closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
- Awake us Now – Includes resources on prayer, and offers a Sunday worship time and encouragement.
- 21 Days Together is a collaborative initiative to offer daily hope and encouragement 3x a day to inspire people to prayer and action in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.
- During this time, maybe more than ever, parents may become so afraid for their prodigals. Faith Family Reunion equips church leaders with resources that provide support and encouragement to those with loved ones who have left the faith. Join FFR’s Facebook group here.