As we consider initial steps to God’s people once again gathering in our sanctuaries across the Michigan District after the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” due to the COVID-19 pandemic we offer some guidance through these resources.
Office Reopening Information for Congregations and Schools – (updated 6/8/20)
Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-114 requires all employers to initiate “Safeguards to protect Michigan’s workers from COVID-19.”
The Executive Order indicates several requirements for all businesses and operations that require their employees to leave their homes or residences, including the development of a “COVID-19 preparedness and response plan.” The plan must be made readily available by June 1, 2020 or within two weeks of resuming in-person activities, whichever is later.
At the request of several ministries, the District is sharing the documents it has prepared for its own compliance with Michigan COVID-19 Executive Orders. Please contact your Circuit Visitor, DF, or other District staff for the PDF document and/or Word document that can be adapted for your ministry.
Additional Resources:
Response to Executive Order 2020-160 – 7/31/20
To Mask or Not to Mask – (7/14/20)
CDC guidelines for Community and Faith-Based Organizations (5/23/20)
Liability/Risk Management Resources (5/19/20)
The Return of the Gathered Saints From Pandemic Exile – Blog Post (4/28/20)
Preparing for the Return of the Saints – Podcast