This summer will mark the 68th Convention of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The theme of the Convention is, “We Preach Christ Crucified,” based on 1 Corinthians 1:18–25.
Prior to the Convention itself, the Synod will hold an election for President of the Synod. Each congregation was allowed to appoint two electors who will cast ballots electronically between the dates of June 17 and July 11. There are five candidates: Matthew Harrison, Patrick Ferry, Richard Snow, Peter Lange, and Benjamin Ball.
In an effort to equip voters to make an informed decision, I contacted all five candidates and asked if they would do a brief interview with me that I could share with the District. It seems like a good idea to hear what they have in mind as a potential president. So far only two candidates agreed to do so—Patrick Ferry and Richard Snow. You can find the interviews I did with them here.
If the other candidates decide to interview with me, I will post those interviews as well. You can also find information about all five candidates in the official publications of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Please pray for the upcoming Convention and the actions that will take place there.
Linda Gerke - May 8, 2023
Thank you!
Lynda Kolzow - May 8, 2023
I really appreciate this opportunity to hear the thoughts of those nominated for LCMS synod president. I hope the others will take advantage of this as well. Very helpful to me as a voting member of our congregation.
Larry Matro - May 9, 2023
This has been helpful. However, I wish that they would be more specific about what they would change. Saying, “We didn’t handle the situation with Concordia, Portland or Bronxville correctly while not offering a better approach is not as helpful as it could have been.
Bill & Chris Chauvin - May 9, 2023
So appreciate these “interviews” with the candidates.
Tammy songer - May 9, 2023
This is a terrific resource! Anxious to hear the rest of the candidates speak.
Rev Robert Ben Appold - May 9, 2023
Really appreciate this conversation. Thank you for making it available. I like hearing from candidates directly, so thanks for doing this Pres. Davis. I’m looking forward to hearing from the others too.