In 2023, a shelter was installed at The Rapid bus stop on the south side of 28th Street just west of Byron Center Road in Wyoming, Mich. This bus stop is used by mothers and their families who travel to and from the Grand Rapids Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) Family Service Center to obtain counseling and supplies for their babies and small children. Previously, there was only a concrete pad at the bus stop at the edge of a parking lot which is very close to 28th Street, a major east-west artery on the south end of Grand Rapids.
The congregation of Our Savior has supported the Grand Rapids PRC for many years, providing diapers, other items, and financial support. Members of Our Savior’s Life Team have participated in PRC Life Marches. The team obtained congregational approval and pledges for the bus stop. An application was submitted for a grant through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Million Dollar Life Match program*. Lutherans For Life of Michigan (LFLMI) also gave a donation to help raise the level of funds required. PRC contracted a construction company for excavation and cement work for the retaining wall and platform. The Rapid bus line was also involved, providing the structure, bench, and solar lighting. The shelter was installed before Christmas.
After Our Savior participated in the bus stop shelter project, a closer relationship has been developed with the PRC. Under the direction of their Life Team leader, Carla Niemeier, diapers, baby clothing, and other items are being collected year-round instead of only between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The PRC periodically issues a list of items needed; it is then printed in Our Savior’s bulletin and members have been donating many items on the list.
Earl Iseler, LFLMI Board Member, says: “It was a blessing to team with LCMS Life Ministry to provide the bus-stop shelter for the Grand Rapids PRC. And Our Savior Church, with the support of Life Ministry, has been able to provide additional funds to help the PRC expand the Family Support Center to provide more services to mothers and their families. Another result of the project is that some Our Savior Church women are now volunteering at the PRC on a regular basis. Thanks be to God for this opportunity to serve our neighbors in love, for all those that serve at the LCMS Life Ministry, and for all the staff and volunteers that serve at PRC.”
The PRC just published their 2024 Praise Report magazine. A picture of the shelter with a statement encouraging donations and a note of thanks to those that made the shelter possible, including the LCMS and Our Savior Lutheran Church, is included on page 11 of the report (see photo) . Jim Sprague, CEO, has granted permission to reprint the article.
* The LCMS committed to providing one million dollars to its congregations in matching funds for projects that support the needs of families during the beginning-of-life stage of their children. The program is administered by LCMS Life Ministry. For more information, visit $4,350 was given to the bus stop project, with the other $4,350 being raised by Our Savior, Grand Rapids with the help of LFLMI.
Featured image © Richard-P-Long/iStock
Mary Craaybeek - August 14, 2024
Yay for Our Savior, Grand Rapids, for demonstrating that all people are precious in God’s sight, including those who are very small. Yay for LMCS Life Ministry for further facilitating answering the needs of young families! Yay for Pregnancy Resource Centers!!