On Sunday, October 15, 2017, ten thousand Lutherans from all over the state of Michigan and beyond will gather at the Breslin Center on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing for an once-in-a-lifetime worship event as they celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. As part of the celebration, Wellspring Lutheran Services is organizing an ingathering.
Each region of the District will collect items for one of the organizations listed below. On the day of the worship service, four different trucks will be stationed in the parking lot of the Breslin Center, each designated to a specific organization.
Congregations from the North & East Region will be collecting pillows, new men’s socks, and new men’s underwear for City Rescue Mission of Lansing that provides shelter to about 150 women, children, and men every night, and serves over 100,000 meals every year.
Congregations from the Metro East Region will be collecting household cleaning supplies, baby formula, and diapers and baby wipes for Hannah’s House—a Christ-centered, extended care shelter for homeless, pregnant women and their babies, providing spiritual training in the areas of parenting and life skills.
Congregations from the Metro West Region will be collecting travel-size hygiene items (especially feminine products), new women’s socks, and new women’s underwear for Women’s Center of Greater Lansing—a support center whose mission is to help women find economic and emotional stability. To date, they have served over 5,000 women.
Congregations from the West Region will be collecting canned and boxed food items for the Greater Lansing Food Bank—a non-profit organization that provides emergency food to individuals and families in seven counties.
For more information about the ingathering and the worship service celebration, visit herewestand.michigandistrict.org/500.
Photo (c) ideabug/iStock