Choice = the opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities or the opportunity or power to make a decision.
We make choices all the time, every day in fact. We choose to get up at the first ring of the alarm clock or, maybe, the third. We choose to eat a good breakfast or just pick up a coffee. We choose to grab a jacket as we head out the door or just chance it that the rain will hold off till you get back home. So many choices … and all before you start your school or work day!
When it comes down to it, you are weighing your choices trying to determine if said choice is a good one or a bad one. Parents work tirelessly to instill this type of decision making in their children. Certainly when the subject of health comes up, the power to choose or to make a decision is once again brought into action.
I bring up this subject of choice because I wanted to share how the District office is trying to make better choices in the area of health. When I began my employment here in January 2016, I was informed that one of my duties would be to take on the role of Wellness Champion for our office. At first, this did NOT seem like a natural role for me to fill. Making good healthy choices is not at all my forte.
What exactly is a Wellness Champion? Concordia Health Plan created the Wellness Champion position in an effort to lead the charge in spreading a culture of wellness at each organization. Part of my job duties would be to have a sincere desire to make positive changes in the health of our church workers and to communicate and encourage the use of the wellness program and its tools. So, how could I help my office folk make good or better choices for their health?
Here are some of the ways the Michigan District office is trying to make positive choices:
- Spiritual Health – We realize how important it is to start each day in the Word. Every morning we gather in our Tower room and settle in for a short devotion led by one of our staff. We then take prayer requests as well as pray for a church within our district. Personally, I really look forward to this time to set my mind and heart on Christ as I prepare to assist churches and church workers within the district. This intentional time with God may not be scheduled into your day as it is here. But making a good spiritual choice by including prayer, devotion or reading your Bible each day is essential to maintaining a deep and lasting relationship with God.
- Physical health – Like many offices, we like to have celebrations throughout the year. Once a month, we have a breakfast to recognize birthdays. Since I am responsible for these breakfasts, I have made an effort to add healthy items such as an oatmeal bake, fruit, hard-boiled eggs, and yogurt. Soon, I may completely eliminate those sugary donuts and breads! I have also enjoyed sharing a healthy recipe every week with my co-workers. I can’t require them to use these recipes, but I am confident that encouraging nutritional and low-fat cooking will make an impact in their homes. Finally, another good choice some of the staff is making is spending a bit of our lunch time walking together. We are blessed with a long driveway, so getting our heart rate up is not an issue. As a result, our metabolism is boosted and we are energized for an afternoon of work.
- Emotional health – Having a workplace that puts a high value on family is essential when considering our emotional health. It is a blessing to know that the District office encourages us to make time for our family. I have been encouraged to adjust my work schedule to attend my daughter’s basketball game or a Mother’s Day tea. Finding a balance in our schedule is a result of making good choices.
Being a Wellness Champion was not something I expected to have on my job duty list, but I have really enjoyed it. Maybe it was God’s way of helping me make some much needed changes in my own life. Good healthy choices are hard, and I do not make enough of them. But I know that God calls me to take care of my mind, body, and soul. Be encouraged to identify some bad choices in your life and seek to turn them into good.
Photo courtesy of Elisa Schulz Photography