
Is God Really Here With Us?3 min read

“Carolynn,” Mom called from the kitchen, “your sister is home from college!” I lift my head; I am not exactly thrilled to see her.

Ever since she broke her leg this fall and didn’t make the volleyball team, she was very angry and aggressive to those around her. She began blaming God for her broken leg, saying things like, “Why did this happen to me, of all people?” and, “Why did God do this; doesn’t he love me?”

It really upset me when she said that. I wanted to help but I didn’t know how, and frankly I was scared. I walked down to the kitchen to see my mom waiting and my sister sitting on the couch. My mom looked uncomfortable, like she wanted to say something. By the look in my eyes and a wave of my hands, I urged her on.

“So Vanessa … did you ever start reading that Bible I gave you?” she asked.

Silence broke for about four hours, or at least that’s what it felt like. Finally, Vanessa replied a simple, “No.”

The look on my mother’s face reflected exactly how I felt—confused.

“Why haven’t you even started it yet?” I replied.

Vanessa turned around to look at me: “Why would I want to read that nonsense? It’s not true. God doesn’t love me.”

My mouth  hung open; I was shocked!

“Vanessa! God does love you! He even died for you so that you could have eternal life! As Psalm 46:1 says, ‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.’”

I continued saying, “He is always by our side. It may not have seemed like it when you were lying on the grass after you got injured, but He was next to you!”

Vanessa was listening. I could tell she wanted to believe what I was saying.

I continued, “Psalm 46 also says that, although it may seem like the world is crumbling around us, we are not alone and soon God will come and save us from all our misery.”

Vanessa looked at me with hope in her eyes and my heart lightened.

“Maybe … I will start reading my Bible, starting with Psalm 46.” Vanessa replied.

My mom and I looked at each other, joy filling our eyes.

Psalm 46 is very reassuring. Everyone has at least once questioned whether God is really here with us, and this verse tells us He is! He is our strength and our refuge. Our lives may seem as though they are crumbling all around us, but His Word reminds us that He IS with us.


Dear God, thank you for being with me always and never leaving my side. Although I cannot physically feel or see you next to me, I do believe you are there helping me and guiding me. I love you and I trust in you to someday, even though I do not know when, save me from this sinful world. AMEN.

— Devotion written by Melanie, grade 8, St. John Lutheran School in Fraser

Photo (c) AntonionGuillem/iStock

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About the Author

National Lutheran Schools Week provides nearly 2,000 preschools, elementary schools and high schools with the public opportunity to proclaim and celebrate God’s work among us in schools of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. We thank God for the opportunity to provide excellent academic preparation for the children we serve. We are most grateful for the opportunity to share Jesus’ amazing love with children and their families. National Lutheran Schools Week gives us an opportunity to proclaim these great blessings within the communities we serve. Our schools are amazing incubators for faithful witness of God’s love for us through Christ by teachers and students alike.

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Ellen Machemer - January 30, 2019

Dear Melanie, Even though I dont know you, I’m so proud of you. You are a wonderful witness for Jesus, and I know He is proud of you too. Hold tight to your faith. God bless you.

Carol Schmidt - January 30, 2019

Wonderful to hear our youth profess their love and faithfulness of the Lord.

Sharon Jackson - February 4, 2019

Melanie grandpa and I are very proud of you. There’s nothing that makes us happier than to know our children walk in faith. God bless you dear heart