
Rejoicing Spirits at St. Paul, Trenton2 min read

It’s loud, as Yes, Jesus Loves Me rings throughout the fellowship hall at St. Paul in Trenton. Tambourines shake, bells jingle, and cymbals clang. It all happens in the opening song at the Rejoicing Spirits worship. Children and Family Life Minister Don Busse calls this the “no shush service.”

For years, many of the families that now attend the Rejoicing Spirits service have not felt comfortable in church. This worship service, which has been around for the past year, has given these families the peace and comfort that may have been lacking. Carole Matthews and her son Monty attend the new service and are loving it. “Parents that have children that are special needs or are disabled sometimes feel [like] ‘I can’t go to church because I don’t know if my child is going to scream out or stand up or yell,’” said Carole. “So I think this is a chance for those parents [to] come to church and feel comfortable.”

Monty is now an adult. He has a disability, yet he not only attends but also participates in the service by reading the Scripture and being an acolyte. Monty takes great pride in being an integral part of the service. “It was fantastic. It was special. It means a lot to me. It is spectacular to have everyone here, (including) the puppets.”

The puppets Monty is talking about also play a role in the service. The puppets reenact a passage or story from the Bible. Monty is not the only one who enjoys this, as every eye is transfixed on the puppets’ story.

One of Monty’s good friends, Jimmy Hamric, also attends the Rejoicing Spirits service. This service has meant a lot to Jimmy, who shares what he loves about the service: “To see all my friends there, to meet new people there and to pray like a church family.”

Rejoicing Spirits happens once a month at St. Paul, Trenton. It is approximately 35 minutes in length and is followed by fellowship time. St. Paul is working to get the word on Rejoicing Spirits out to their community, and they’re working on other ways to help those with disabilities through their SHINE ministry, which helps people with severe disabilities, at their 11 a.m. Sunday service.

St. Paul’s motto is Live to Know Christ and Make Christ Known and, with these successful ministries, St. Paul is doing just that. “We’re just so blessed to have this Rejoicing Spirits here,” said Monty. “And sharing the word with everybody.”

Photos and video by Jeff Heisner/Michigan District, LCMS

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About the Author

Jeffrey Heisner is the Communications Director for Mission Partners Platform. He, his wife Jodi, and two children reside in Westlake, Ohio.

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