
Making Disciples for Life1 min read


A good group of our Lutheran schools celebrated National Lutheran Schools Week from January 22–28 (We still have a handful that celebrate in March 😊). It is always a joy to see the great pictures and hear the stories of crazy dress down days, special lunches, lively assemblies, and other activities. Those experiences are a blessing and continue to strengthen the fun culture in our Lutheran schools as a place for students/staff to fellowship and enjoy themselves. But if you look beyond the activities of NLSW, you also see the small moments in classroom devotions, worship, servant events, and individual conversations where our students hear the Word of God and share His love with one another and in their community. That is what makes National Lutheran Schools Week so special. One of our Lutheran educators summed it up perfectly…

“Each year, NLSW provides a framework for learning that is just a bit different than the norm, yet emphasizes what is important. ‘Making Disciples for Life’ was this year’s LCMS theme, based on Matthew 28:16–20. We enjoyed artwork, devotionals, reading, serving, sharing, singing, and learning of all sorts in many and various ways. Thanks be to God for all his blessings!” — Aaron Rohde (3rd & 4th grade teacher, Trinity, Reed City)

May all our weeks be as Spirit-filled as NLSW as we move through the school year and allow His love to continue to flow to us and through us!

Check out the photos submitted by several schools to show how they celebrated!


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About the Author

Travis is the Michigan District's Assistant to the President - Superintendent of Schools. But his more important titles are the husband of Lori and the dad to three crazy and lovable girls. The four ladies in his life are by far his most absolute favorite blessing!

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