Loading Events North and East Pastors Conference - Michigan District, LCMS

North and East Pastors Conference

First Things First: Putting the Cross and the Empty Tomb Back in the Center

May 9, 2022 - May 11, 2022
Lewiston, MI

Join us at the 2022 North & East Pastors Conference as we focus on First Things First: Putting the Cross and Empty Tomb Back in the Center. Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs will inspire us with a fresh look at familiar texts surrounding the Easter account, draw us towards a more joyful faith in the Good News of the resurrection, and inspire us towards a deeper sense of awe and wonder at what God has done and will continue to do in and through His Son.

A note regarding masks during the COVID-19 pandemic:  The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has provided mask guidance that flexes based on three key COVID-19 phases (response, recovery, and readiness).  The Michigan District will follow any mask mandates by the MDHHS, local health departments, or venues that are in place at the time of an event or conference. Masks are generally available at the registration desk. If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms of COVID prior to arrival, please stay home.

When & Where


May 9, 2022 - May 11, 2022

Garland Lodge & Golf Resort
4700 N Red Oak Rd
Lewiston, MI, 49756
Download Schedule



Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs is Professor Emeritus of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. (CSL). Gibbs is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind. (M.Div., 1979; STM, 1988). After ten years of parish experience in the Northwest District, he did doctoral studies at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, receiving the Ph.D. in 1995. Gibbs taught full-time at CSL from 1992 to 2020. His areas of interest are the Gospel according to Matthew and New Testament eschatology. He’s the author of Jerusalem and Parousia (CAP, 2000) and the three-volume Matthew Commentary in the Concordia Commentary Series. Jeff and his wife Renee live in St. Louis, where they are active in life-affirming work as well as in their home congregation, Holy Cross Lutheran Church.


Registration is now closed.

Deadline to register is March 31, 2022.

Registration Costs:
Pastors, Vicars, Deacons & Wives: Early Bird $100/person | Late Registration $150/person
Emeriti & Wives: Early Bird $0/person | Late Registration $150/person

Deadline to register is March 31, 2022 after which prices go up to $150/person for ALL attendees.

Please Note:

  • Hotel Registration is separate. See below for details.
  • District makes Emeriti lodging reservations through March 31, 2022. EMERITI ARE NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THEIR OWN HOUSING ARRANGEMENTS.

Compassion Ministry

In support of the Michigan District Critical Targets, specifically Great Compassion Ministry, the North & East Region Pastors Conference is partnering with Lydia’s Gate and Options Pregnancy Center. Please review the items on their wish lists and consider bringing donations to the conference.

Lydia’s Gate is in need of canned and dry food goods to feed the people that come to the shelter.

Options Pregnancy Center

  • Non latex, powder-free gloves (2 cartons for $24.99 plus shipping)
  • Table paper ($20.00 per roll plus shipping)
  • Exam table suitable for ultrasounds ($700 to $800 new, plus shipping)
  • Ultrasound Gel ($24.00 plus shipping)
  • Miscarriage Support Gift Books ($9 per book)
  • Post Abortive Support Group Manuals/Guides for Participants ($8.50 per book)
  • “Changed” books for families affected by abortion ($15 per book)
  • Office Supplies (most grants will not cover these expenses) $35/box for paper, $55.00 per ink cartridge (plus shipping)
  • Cleaning/Hospital Grade Disinfectant supplies $10-$20
  • Baby items (diapers, wipes, etc) are also collected and given to the maternity closet whom we partner with.

Funds donated also cover utilities, phone and internet costs, electricity, etc each month. OPC is funded solely by grants and donor support, so every person that pours into OPC has a stake in our mission to “educate, encourage and empower those facing unexpected pregnancies and related issues.”

Additional Information

Hotel Information

Garland Lodge and Golf Resort
4700 N Red Oak Rd
Lewiston, Mich.

Call 989.786.2211 to place your reservation. Mention: North and East Pastors Conference Room Cost: $99

Deadline to register is March 31, 2022

Worship Location:
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
3805 County Road 612
Lewiston, MI 49756-8617

CEUs will be Available:
Complete this form, print, sign and return to CSL.

North & East CEU Form

Conference Sponsors

  • Church Extension Fund
  • Wellspring Lutheran Services
  • Concordia University Mequon/Ann Arbor