Loading Events Intentional Interim Ministry Spring Conference - Michigan District, LCMS

Intentional Interim Ministry Spring Conference

Continuing Education

May 25, 2022 - May 26, 2022
Hillsdale, MI

Living in healthy tension is essential in the Christian community. Tension avoidance, either by the prevailing systemic life of the organization or by the interim leader, will eventually lead to greater unhealth of the system and therefore lack of effective missional focus. A combination of lecture and guided table conversation will lead participants to greater awareness and application of the intentional use of healthy tension during the interim. A copy of Understanding Your Congregation as a System will be provided upon registration to prepare participants for the interactive portions of the conference.

A note regarding masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has provided mask guidance that flexes based on three key COVID-19 phases (response, recovery, and readiness). The Michigan District will follow any mask mandates by the MDHHS, local health departments, or venues that are in place at the time of an event or conference. Masks are generally available at the registration desk. If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms of COVID prior to arrival, please stay home.

When & Where


May 25, 2022 - May 26, 2022

Michindoh Conference Center
4545 E. Bacon Rd.
Hillsdale, MI, 49242
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Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper

Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper presently serves as Assistant to the President/Congregation Mission and Ministry Support/Metro Zone for the Michigan District, LCMS. Prior to joining the Michigan District staff in 2012, Kasper served nearly 30 years as a parish pastor in suburban St. Louis, Mo. and Detroit, Mich. He serves as the Facilitator for Intentional Interim Ministry in the Michigan District. He continues to read extensively in the areas of Systems Theory, Leadership, and Adaptive Missions for the Church in the Post-modern/Post-Christian era.  Kasper and his wife Debbie live in Ypsilanti, Mich. They have four grown children and nine grandchildren.


Rev. Dr. Scott Sommerfeld

Rev. Dr. Scott G. Sommerfeld has a passion for leadership development, home-centered congregation-supported ministry, and organizational health founded on Healthy Relationships and Holy Manners. He is currently serving his fourth Intentional Interim Call at Living Water Lutheran Church in Whitmore Lake, Mich. Scott is honored to share insights and experience regarding the use of the Congregational Systems Inventory to better understand the impact of leadership patterns in a congregational system.


Rev. Richard Boshoven

Rev. Richard Boshoven is a 2000 graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. He has been serving the last 22 years in Northwest Indiana. He is a second career pastor with a B.S. Degree in Broadcasting and Cinematic Arts from Central Michigan University. He was born in Grand Rapids, Mich. Raised in the Christian Reformed Church, he became an agnostic while in high school. But while attending CMU he met his wife, Christine, who was Lutheran, and he credits her for drawing him back into the faith through the LCMS Church on the university campus.

He completed his IIM Training in 2018 and will be returning to Michigan this year to be closer to his wife’s parents and will soon begin IIM work. During his time in Indiana, he has earned additional certifications in Crisis Counseling, Pastoral Crisis Counseling and Crisis Intervention Stress Management, and served intermittently as the Indiana District CISM team leader. He has recently concluded his 10 years as the Circuit Visitor for the Gary Circuit.


Registration is now open.

Deadline to register is May 10, 2022.

This conference is for intentional interim pastors from the Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio Districts of the LCMS.



Additional Information

CEUs will be Available:
Complete this form, print, sign, and return to CSL.

IIM Pastors CEU Form