Introduction to IIM Ministry
The “Introduction to Intentional Interim Ministry” workshop is designed for those that are considering IIM as a part-time ministry when they retire. Attendance at an introductory workshop, commitment to this ministry, and District-sponsored continuing education are required to be recognized as a Michigan District Intentional Interim Minister.
There is a $55 fee to attend this conference, which will include books and a manual. (Lodging will be covered by the district.)
Trainers: Rev. Dr. Robert E. Kasper, Rev. Dr. Scott Sommerfeld, and Rev. Mark Heuser
Objectives: To become knowledgeable of …
- The “Developmental Tasks” of a congregation during pastoral transition.
- The “Process Tasks” of the Interim (Transitional) Pastor.
- The theology of Interim Ministry.
- A growing awareness of congregational systems.
- Leading through “self-differentiation”.
Purpose: To provide an adequate knowledge base and practical application, so that participating pastors are enabled to “discern” whether this specialized ministry is “for them;” and be the informed foundation for serving congregations in this manner in the future.
Training Methods: A combination of video, lecture, group discussion, case studies, and some role play.
A note regarding masks during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has provided mask guidance that flexes based on three key COVID-19 phases (response, recovery, and readiness). The Michigan District will follow any mask mandates by the MDHHS, local health departments, or venues that are in place at the time of an event or conference. Masks are generally available at the registration desk. If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms of COVID prior to arrival, please stay home.
When & Where
September 26, 2022 @ 12:30 pm - September 28, 2022 @ 12:30 pm
Michindoh Conference Center4545 E. Bacon Rd.
Hillsdale, MI, 49242
Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper
Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper presently serves as Assistant to the President/Congregation Mission and Ministry Support/Metro Zone for the Michigan District, LCMS. Prior to joining the Michigan District staff in 2012, Kasper served nearly 30 years as a parish pastor in suburban St. Louis, Mo. and Detroit, Mich. He serves as the Facilitator for Intentional Interim Ministry in the Michigan District. Kasper and his wife Debbie live in Ypsilanti, Mich. They have four grown children and nine grandchildren.
Rev. Dr. Scott Sommerfeld
Rev. Dr. Scott G. Sommerfeld has a passion for leadership development, home-centered congregation-supported ministry, and organizational health founded on Healthy Relationships and Holy Manners. He is currently serving his fourth Intentional Interim Call at Living Water Lutheran Church, Whitmore Lake, Mich. Scott is honored to share insights and experience regarding the value and purpose of Intentional Interim Ministry and what it is like to serve in this unique ministry.
Rev. Mark Heuser
Rev. Mark E. Heuser currently serves as a part-time Mission and Ministry Facilitator and as Chairman of the Task Force for the establishment of Transitional Interim Ministry in the Ohio District. After 21 years in banking while actively serving the church as a layperson, Heuser felt God’s call to full-time ministry. He graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. in 1997 and began a convertible Vicarage at St. John, Rochester Hills, Mich. He was ordained there in 1998 and served until 2005, when he was called to Grace, Vancouver. He retired in 2019. Heuser is a trained IIM and does pulpit supply as the need arises. He lives in Painesville, OH with his wife Donna.
Registration is now closed.
Deadline to register is September 12, 2022.
This conference is for pastors of the Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio districts that are considering Intentional Interim Ministry.
Registration Cost: $55
Additional Information
CEU’s Available
CEU’s are available. Download, complete, and mail in this form: CEU Introduction Form.