Loading Events Intentional Interim Ministry Conference 2023 - Michigan District, LCMS

Intentional Interim Ministry Conference 2023

Continuing Education

May 24, 2023 - May 25, 2023
Hillsdale, MI

Intentional Interim (Transitional) Ministry invites its practitioners to be well versed in and make skillful use/application of Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST) in the observation, evaluation, and description of the health or ill-health affecting the life and mission of the Christian congregation to which they have been called. While such diagnosis cannot cause healing, God can use it to point out where we might strategically place the “dynamite of the Gospel” (Romans 1:16) through which the Holy Spirit can bring healing, wholeness, life, and salvation in Jesus. Dr. R. Robert Creech, in his book, Family Systems and Congregational Life: A Map for Ministry, challenges us to consider the benefit of “a map” as we go about leading, preaching, caring, building community, and even how we read Scripture. (Upon registration, you will receive a copy drop-shipped prior to the conference. Pre-reading will be anticipated.)

Each conference participant will be invited to think critically with mature theological acumen as we share in a guided topical conversation of Dr. Creech’s book. Several of our own cohort will provide thorough and thoughtful lectures outlining the author’s major themes, and guided table discussions and larger group exchange will enable us to benefit from shared learning.

When & Where


May 24, 2023 - May 25, 2023

Michindoh Conference Center
4545 E. Bacon Rd.
Hillsdale, MI, 49242
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Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper

Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper presently serves as Assistant to the President/Congregation Mission and Ministry Support/Metro Zone for the Michigan District, LCMS. Prior to joining the Michigan District staff in 2012, Kasper served nearly 30 years as a parish pastor in suburban St. Louis, Mo. and Detroit, Mich. He serves as the Facilitator for Intentional Interim Ministry in the Michigan District. He continues to read extensively in the areas of Systems Theory, Leadership, and Adaptive Missions for the Church in the Post-modern/Post-Christian era. Kasper and his wife Debbie live in Ypsilanti, Mich. They have four grown children and nine grandchildren.


Rev. Robert Riggs

Rev. Bob Riggs has served as a parish pastor in Minnesota, Ohio, and Michigan since his graduation from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis in 1983. He and his wife Lynne live in Carson City, Mich. Their vacations consist of visiting their three adult children in Ohio, Texas, and Maryland. Riggs has always appreciated the fellowship of brother pastors and especially the collegial rapport of IIM workshops. Riggs has been a full-time IIM since June of 2018 and is currently serving in this fourth IIM assignment.


Rev. Dr. Scott Sommerfeld

Rev. Dr. Scott Sommerfeld has a passion for leadership development, home-centered congregation-supported ministry, and organizational health founded on Healthy Relationships and Holy Manners as described on his website holymanners.org. He is currently serving his fifth Intentional Interim Call at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ann Arbor, Mich. At this training event, Scott is honored to share insights and experience regarding Intentional Interim Ministry and how family systems can enhance one’s service in this unique ministry.


Rev. Jeffrey Heimsoth

Jeff Heimsoth is a child of God who has been blessed to have been raised in a Christian family; to have a beautiful wife (Nancy), three amazing children (and now their spouses), eight world-class grandchildren; and to live in Michigan since 1987. On top of that, God called him to serve as a Lutheran school teacher for three years and a pastor the past 36 years. He served as a “settled” pastor for 34 years (St. Peter, St. Johns and Trinity, Monroe) before entering the IIM world. His first IIM call was to St. Peter’s, Eastpointe. He currently serves at Cross of Christ, South Lyon. It is exciting to help congregations see the tremendous opportunities God has given for ministry in the future as we grow in the love of Jesus, our love for each other, and a passion for the lost.


Rev. Jeffrey Wilhelm

Jeff is a second career pastor. In his first career, he worked as an International Meteorologist for the U.S. Air Force and CNN International. He became an ordained minister in August 2001, after completing Alternate Route studies at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. Jeff served as Mission Developer to the Upper Tampa Bay area September 2001 through January 2005, and now serves at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Greenville, Mich. He has served as LWML Zone Counselor, Circuit Visitor, Hospital Volunteer Chaplain, and completed national Intentional Interim Ministry training with LuTMA in April 2021.

After his first wife, Grace, passed away in 2016, Jeff met and married Holly (Hudson) in 2018, and they are blessed with a blended family of seven adult children.


Registration is now open.

Deadline to register is May 10, 2023.

This conference is for intentional interim pastors from the Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio Districts of the LCMS.



Additional Information


CEU’s are available for this conference. Please download this word document, complete, and mail in.