Loading Events Admissions Workshop - Michigan District, LCMS

Admissions Workshop

November 8, 2024
Rochester, MI

We are looking forward to a blessed day at our annual Admissions Workshop meeting at St. John, Rochester on November 8. Charlene Coughlin from Twist Creative will share some of her expertise in the area of branding and social media outreach. We’ll also have plenty of time to network, eat delicious food, share ideas, and fellowship.  This is open to any individual in our Lutheran schools who work in the area of admissions.

When & Where


November 8, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

St. John Lutheran Church
1011 W University Dr
Rochester, MI, 48307


Registration is now closed.
Deadline to register is October 31, 2024.

Includes Programming and Lunch - $25/person