
Hidden in Disability2 min read

This essay was written by Daniel Hudeck, an 8th grade student at Trinity, Reese. It won first place in the Elementary Essay Contest of Lutherans for Life of Michigan.

When my sister was born at 23 weeks, the doctor did not want to resuscitate her, knowing she would have many disabilities in the unlikely event she survived. Disability can be a darkness for us both, [but] through God’s grace, light shines in the darkness. God can use disability to bless us by using it as an opportunity to draw us closer to Him, spread joy and enthusiasm, and show our true value in Christ.

God uses disability as an opportunity to draw families closer to Him. Often the challenges are so overwhelming that it drives us to a very important truth. We realize that we cannot do this on our own. We need God’s help. We also gain perspective when we realize there is much more to look forward to than this short life here on earth. For all who believe in Jesus as their Savior, we have an eternity in heaven to look forward to. Because of the effects of sin, there are hardships and disabilities. But “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4–5).

Often, those with disabilities spread joy and enthusiasm in unique ways. They can share Christ with the boldness and excitement of a child, not waiting for the perfect time or place. Their positive attitude is contagious. Beyond a joyful attitude, there is something far more important that gives us value.

Where does our value come from? Our true value comes from being a child of God. You are loved not for what you can do but for who you are. As it says in 1 Samuel, “The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Our value is not based on our abilities but on the fact that we are loved children of God. God’s love for us is the most important place to find value.

Disabilities can be blessings used as an opportunity to draw us closer to Him, filling our lives with joy and enthusiasm, and reminding us of our true value in Him. My sister was very fortunate and, although she has faced many difficulties, she is now in college studying to be a nurse. Thanks be to God! What huge blessings could have been missed had her life not been valued. Life shines in the darkness!

Photo © Molly Blackbird/Unsplash

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This blog was published by the Communications Department of the Michigan District, LCMS.

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Alex Holcomb - January 16, 2025

Daniel, what a beautiful reflection! Thank you for reminding us of the value and dignity of all people, made in the image of God! I love how you highlighted the unique gifts and blessings that flow from disability; the Church and the world needs those gifts! Thank you also for reminding us that our identity is found in our status as God’s beloved children. May God bless you, your sister, and your whole family as you remember your identity in Christ & seek to share God’s love with others!

Donna J Zuehlk - January 16, 2025

Beautifully written and so very true