
Hearts for Jesus – Kids 2 Camp2 min read

Thinking back to November, the Michigan weather was changing and, in my opinion, it was not for the better. Watching the University of Michigan football team do “Snow Angels” on the Big House Turf did not warm my heart. Something that does warm my heart and makes these cold days more tolerable is thinking about Lutheran children reaching out to uplift others in the name of Christ.

Over forty years ago the idea was birthed to have every Lutheran School in Michigan dedicate some of their chapel offerings to one ministry. In the beginning years it was a modest $2,000, and the last few years it has varied between $15,000-$20,000! This year, as part of the Here We Stand campaign, we are designating the Acts 2 Enterprise Sports Camps/VBS as a way that school children in Lutheran congregations and schools can impact others with the love of Jesus. These camps allow children to enjoy a safe and supportive event where not only is their body exercised but they are also challenged by an A2E missionary volunteer who shares his/her love of Jesus using sports as the bridge.

You are invited to partner with these school-age children, both those who participate in giving funds and those who participate in the fun of summer activities that are structured and safe. Consider praying for this endeavor and for the adult missionary volunteers who will share not only sports expertise but their love for Jesus. Pray for the children who give sacrificially to help others. Consider joining with them in funding this event to reach even more children with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

1 John 3:1 reads, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” We invite you to join the Father’s children in reaching out to others.

My heart gets warm just thinking about what God can accomplish through our combined efforts.

To donate, click here or send your check to Michigan District, LCMS; 3773 Geddes Rd; Ann Arbor MI 48105. Memo Hearts for Jesus.

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About the Author

Dr. Bruce Braun, emeritus, served many years as Superintendent of Schools for the Michigan District, LCMS.

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