Sometimes people walk into Family of God, Detroit already on the road back to our Lord. Christy was like that. She had run away from home that was ‘Up North’ and broken all ties with family and friends. She already had a baby while on the street who was now 4 years-old and living with her grandparents. Drugs were in Christy’s past but there was no evidence of a continuing habit when she first came to us. She was, however, a few months pregnant.
Christy was genuinely joyful and eager to be in Christian fellowship. During her six months with us, she joined the Women’s Discipleship group and began to open up about past and her hopes for the future. Forgiveness, grace, and how to care for the baby growing within her were her constant areas of concern.
We helped Christy walk through accepting her own forgiveness through the Biblical account of the Prodigal Son. She more easily grasped she could be forgiven than her family forgiving her. That part of her journey took a little longer. Then the day came when she found the courage to call home. Before we could blink, we had to say goodbye and help her with travel arrangements to reconcile with her parents and her four-year old daughter.
Our ladies, including women from various supporting churches, gave her a baby shower and off she went with tears, hers and ours. We released her into the Lord’s loving hands and trusted He would guide her every step of the way home.
Little Christiana was born on January 14, 2014 – perfectly healthy and beautiful. Christy stays in touch with us by giving us monthly updates. Her joy and love are the most powerful evidence of the Lord being front and center in her life. During these calls, Christy tells us her life is full of challenges, not the least being a single mother of two active daughters. We give thanks to the Lord for the short time she was with us and rejoice when we hear that she is doing just fine.