
Working Together for the Lord2 min read

“And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:44–47 ESV).

Oh, the amazing things God does in, with, and through His Church as His people work together! That’s the reason my husband, Dennis, and I joyfully support the Here We Stand campaign. Individually, we would love to provide monetary support to a Concordia University or Seminary student studying to become a Professional Church Worker. Individually, we would love to support Innovative Ministries such as Hope in St. Ignace, Elli’s House, Luke Project 52 Clinic, and others. Individually, we would love to support International Ministries spreading Jesus’ love to people in South Africa and other areas around the world. Individually, we would love to grow the Michigan District’s Endowment Fund to provide funding for God’s mission in the future. And we can—in small ways.

BUT all of us in the Michigan District, individuals and congregations alike, working together can support God’s work in BIG ways. To Dennis and I, that is the opportunity we have through the Here We Stand campaign. Together with you, we can support the various initiatives of the campaign in big ways.

I am privileged to serve as Treasurer of the Michigan District and as such, have the opportunity to see and hear details of God’s work being done throughout the District. I hear the excitement of those who are implementing and growing Innovative Ministries and, most importantly, reaching people with the love of Jesus. I see generous scholarships provided to Michigan District students at Concordia Universities and Seminaries (in 2018, $260,000 to 101 students!) I witness the Endowment Fund growing through additional gifts, being responsibly managed, and distributing funds to ministries annually. And I hear of International Ministries being funded in mighty ways. All to the glory of God and to reach more and more people with His great Love.

Thank you for joining us, and many others, in this great effort. And, if you’ve not yet become a part of the Here We Stand campaign, I encourage you to join the fun of working together for the Lord.

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About the Author

Bonnie serves as the Treasurer for the Michigan District, LCMS Board of Directors

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