Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your continued faithfulness, stewardship, and generosity. Our Michigan District is blessed by many who financially support us directly, over and above their regular congregation offerings.
By responding to this spring appeal, you will be able to support the following summer camps:
- Sports Camp at Bethany, Detroit – This year’s camp will be held on June 12–16, 2023 under the theme “Good VIBES” Along with learning about various sports throughout the week, the children will learn about the confidence they can have because it comes from God! Through Him, they are Valuable, Influential, Brave, Encouraging, and Selfless!
- Summer LEGO® Camp at The Vine, Walker – The “Master Built LEGO® Camp” will be held on June 12–15, 2023. Many kids and adults are fascinated by the television series “LEGO® Masters.” They will use LEGO® building blocks to teach how our Master, Jesus, builds us up and gives us life abundant and eternal through the Gospel. The daily schedule will also have a time of STEM learning. LEGO® has done a great job of providing activities that teach science, technology, engineering, and math to kids. This STEM time will reinforce that fact that our great God has created a complex and orderly world for us to take care of with our Master and Builder. New this year—The Vine will have a bus to pick up some of the children who live in low income areas and need transportation to come to camp.
- Summer VBS Camp at St. Paul Community, Pontiac – This year’s camp at St. Paul will take place July 24–28, 2023 under the theme “Walking with Jesus.” It will focus on the main aspects of Jesus’ life here on earth, to teach the children who Jesus is and what He came to do. The days’ themes are: Christmas, Jesus in the Temple, Jesus’ Baptism, The Crucifixion, and The Resurrection. St. Paul Community, Pontiac is excited to formulate a program that is more focused on Jesus and relates to the children’s everyday faith.
As you know, we have a number of fine Lutheran residential camps available for students, and of course we support those. The reason I bring the above three camps to mind is that they are directed at students who would be unable to attend any other camp because their families do not have the funds needed to pay their cost to attend. Our prayer is that we will again be able to fund the attendance of every child at zero cost to them.
You remember what Jesus said: “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs to the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14 ESV). Through these experiences, indeed we will be doing so.
Your prompt and generous support for these efforts is greatly appreciated. The cost to sponsor one child is $55. Two children is $110. $550 sponsors ten children; and $1,100 sponsors twenty. Please use this link to donate.
Again, thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response as you help to make our 2023 camp programs a reality for many children. Please know you are a wonderful blessing to those who will attend a camp because you care. Thank you for helping to make the words of Mark 10:14 ring true in the lives of many children this summer.
…eyes on Jesus…
Rev. David A. Davis, President
Michigan District, LCMS
P.S. These camps are always looking for volunteers! If you or someone you know would like to get involved, please contact each congregation directly.
P.S.S. As Sports Camp/VBS gifts are received, if the A2E ministry is blessed to receive more sponsorships than needed to sponsor every child, any funds exceeding that need will go toward the general support of the A2E urban ministries.
Photos of Detroit and Pontiac camps by Elisa Schulz/Michigan District, LCMS. Photo of The Vine’s camp courtesy of The Vine, Walker.