Because my husband and I are getting closer to those golden years of retirement, I often find myself thinking about what this new “season of life” will bring us. Just like the four beautiful seasons of the year, God orchestrates many changes, challenges and blessings in our lives. What season do you find yourself in?
These are the thoughts behind the message of the 15th Annual Girls of Grace Worship Concert coming this spring. Through the artistry of interpretive dance, drama, media presentations, vocalists, personal testimony, and live art, Faithful in all Seasons will come alive on the stage on April 18 and 19, 2020, at 3 p.m. at the Temple Theatre in Saginaw, Mich. Almost 3,000 attend each year but, in the dancers’ hearts, they are always dancing for an audience of ONE. Won’t you join us?
Faithful in all Seasons beautifully narrates a message that weaves together these themes: seasons of Life, Holy Seasons—He is the Reason and, finally, what season of life do you find yourself in right now? Is God doing something for you, in you, or through you?
Life is always changing, but one thing remains constant: God is FAITHFUL. Come; be inspired by over 200 participants as they offer Faithful in All Seasons. You will walk away renewed, refreshed, and filled with the love of God … no matter what season of life you find yourself in at this time.
Tickets are $15 for premiere seating and $12 for regular seating. Call 877.754.7469 or visit to purchase tickets.
Girls of Grace is a Christian Dance Ministry within St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth, dedicated to serving the Lord through worshipful, interpretive dance. This ministry is in its 18th year of service, and is made up of over ninety dancers from grade 4 through college. Girls of Grace participate regularly in worship and chapel services, perform at several events, rehearse regularly, conduct workshops, and are involved in a variety of service projects in the community.
Photo courtesy of Girls of Grace
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