Dear Friends in Christ,
Certainly, you have many on your “Christmas list”—people you plan to give a gift to as we celebrate again the great gift of Jesus. Jesus coming into the world as Savior is worthy both of great celebration and also imitation in the practice of gift giving.
This Gift is timeless—beyond any day or any season. Our joy in the Michigan District is equipping congregations to share Jesus, the greatest Gift of all, with each other and within our communities and the world.
As we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus, would you consider adding the Michigan District to your gift list? Until our work is complete on the day He returns, there will always be a need to bring Jesus to those who will find Him in our shared Great Commission and Great Compassion ministry.
Your gift can be given for any of these designations:
- Greatest Need/Unrestricted – Ongoing and special needs
- General Endowment – Invested with distributions for ongoing and special needs
- Lutheran Education – Early childhood centers and K-12 school support
- Missions & Ministry – Training, grants, and administrative support for great compassion and great commission endeavors
- Conference & Training Support – District-sponsored training and enrichment events
- Leadership Development – Activities and scholarships for next generation leaders
- Church Worker Care – Preventive and immediate assistance and referrals
Gifts to the Michigan District are not meant to replace or reduce your gifts to your congregation or other ministries. Instead, these gifts support our current congregations and church workers through district-wide training opportunities, congregation/circuit collaboration, strategic congregation partnerships with the community, and vision support for future ministry and innovation as we carry out this work together as People of Hope.
Your gift will enable the Michigan District to strengthen and equip church workers and congregations to share the greatest Gift of all so that a world in need sees our hope in Jesus.
God grant you a blessed Christmas and a New Year of opportunities to share your hope.
…eyes on Jesus …
Rev. David A. Davis, President
Michigan District, LCMS