Critical Targets, Outcomes, and Indicators
Critical Targets and Outcomes approved at the May, 2013 Board meeting.
Indicators approved at the August, 2013 Board meeting.
Being People of Hope, Michigan District congregations and ministries will share the Good News of Jesus with people who do not know him.
- All church workers are encouraged and equipped to teach, exemplify and carry out the Great Commission in their local community and beyond.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries are becoming increasingly aware of their community and context for ministry.
- An increasing number of congregations and ministries are designing, implementing, and regularly updating their individualized strategy for outreach.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries are encouraged and supported as they develop and initiate new ministries to reach new people with the Gospel.
- An increasing number of congregations and ministries are utilizing outreach resources accessed through the District for reaching the unchurched.
- The Michigan District – its congregations and ministries – are experiencing an annual increase in the number of baptisms and confirmations.
Being People of Hope, Michigan District congregations and ministries will seek out and compassionately attend to people in need.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries collaborate with other organizations in their region in mercy and mental health ministries.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries are serving an increasing number of people in need in their local community.
- Michigan District congregations are encouraged and supported to intentionally collaborate with Wellspring Lutheran Services to initiate caring ministries for adoption, foster care, elder care, etc.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries seek out opportunities to show the love of Christ beyond their communities.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries engaged in meaningful and impactful compassionate community ministry are highlighted as examples for other congregations.
Being People of Hope, Michigan District congregations have Christ-centered ministries, loving and joyful atmospheres, and sustainable organizational systems.
- Michigan District congregations are developing intentional prayer and Bible reading strategies as well as ministries for individual and corporate needs.
- Michigan District congregations have vibrant, impactful ministries that utilize the gifts God has given them and are attractive and accessible to the community.
- An increasing number of congregations will have a long-term financial strategy for sustainable ministry.
- Michigan District congregations regularly examine the health of their unique congregational system and seek assistance to initiate measurable healthy changes to their system.
- Michigan District congregations respect and support their professional and lay workers, utilizing the District ethics documents and compensation guide.
Being People of Hope, Michigan District church workers have Christ-centered lives, loving and joyful spirits, and stable family and professional systems.
- Professional church workers are well informed of resources available for assistance in a time of need or emergency.
- Michigan District congregations and ministries prioritize professional development and healthy lifestyle training opportunities for their workers by structuring them into the calendar year.
- Church workers faithfully participate in circuit and district professional gatherings (such as circuit pastor/worker meetings, district conferences, conventions, etc.).
- Church workers grow spiritually and professionally through continuing education.
- Church workers live and work in such a way that they demonstrate God’s love and respect for others, utilizing the District ethics documents.
- Married professional church workers demonstrate the importance of their spouse by strengthening mutual love, respect, and encouragement.